Friday, August 29, 2003

At Shoreline...

Went to Iron Maiden/Dio/Motorhead concert last night. Motorhead was loud; good drummer...

Dio was perfect, played nothing but title tracks, including some Rainbow and Black Sabbath songs. Good drummer, good songs, very good band performance...

Iron Maiden was as expected. Played the 'musts', one or two new ones, and, -as always (aah!)- no "Phantom of the Opera..." Loved the background posters on the stage...

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Home Theater

This weekend, on not-so-big screen:

Real women have curves... Good movie...
Nicholas Nickleby... Classic (I mean 'classic'); good actors...

Bezelye Playlist

This week:

Mezarkabul - Unspoken
Queensryche - Operaton Mindcrime

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Infant CPR

Attended Infant CPR course at Stanford. Two hours... Little bit longer than necessary, but had to take it for the baby. Here is an on-line course from FirstAidWeb.

Monday, August 18, 2003

Still Trying to Rub Elbows

After trying to reach the box office twice, we decided to buy the tickets for Ian Anderson concert on-line. But...

$3.90 processing charges on top of convenience charges of $17.50??!! What is this?! Is there any other service in the world charging as much as 21% of the actual item you are buying?

Incidently, here is a group of people thinking along the same lines.

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Home Theater

This weekend on not-so-big screen:

Mighty Aphrodite... Fine Allen movie, watched again...
Mothman Prophecies... Very "Ring-like..." Maybe not... Liked it...

Friday, August 15, 2003

Bezelye Playlist

Listening to, while commuting:

Amorphis - Tuonela
Disturbed - Believe
Halford - Resurrection
In Flames - Clayman
In Flames - Jester Race
Liquid Tension Experiment - 2
Metallica - Garage Inc.
Queensryche - EP
Tayga - Tayga


test... se... testt...