Gay Marriages
The mayor of San Francisco obviously went berserk (in a good way ;).
In addition to certifying gay marriages, they are now trying to sue the State of California, mentioning civil rights. Arnold, with Bush's blessing, would put a stop to that next week.
God, I hope more gays and lesbians get married before they stop at SF. I was kinda hoping that Chicago would start certifying.
I just don't understand Republicans. You have an almost limitless number of social problems related to this issue: High divorce rates, VDs fueled by drug use and multiple partners, young children having problems with school, drugs, guns, etc.(This is not my list.)
In the middle of all this, you have two people who desperately wants to commit to a life-long marriage, and possibly raise a child they want to adopt. And you say, no to that! I just don't get this type of reasoning.
All this hoopla about gay marriages may very well be the end of Bush government. Why all the commotion anyway? What harm could come from a gay marriage?
Update: Hah! How wrong could I be? Very very wrong! 'Gay marriages' actually cost the democrats the presidency. What can I say? Wow!
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