Thursday, October 30, 2008

Photo on Valleywag

Valleyvag picked one photo out of 1500 hundred (a?) Yahoo posted on flicker after the Halloween parade.

There were hundreds of children around, but those clever dudes picked the one without children around: Pirates and me. That's my regular work attire btw... :)

The photo is up for caption contest; can't wait to see the comments.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

How to get Yahoo Messenger to work on your ATT Blackberry phone

Finally found some info on the web to get Yahoo Messenger to work on my Blackberry 8800.

For AT&T (or Cingular) subscribers, a simple installation does not work. When trying to login, you will receive a message along the lines of 'Service Not Enabled for this Handheld.'

The following worked for me today; here are the steps:

0. This process involves overriding/updating Service Books. My Blackberry is connected to my Windows PC, which has Desktop Manager.

1. Launch your Blackberry Desktop Manager on your PC; connect your Blackberry.

2. Click on Backup and Restore in BB Desktop Manager and backup all the data on your Blackberry.

3. Using your Blackberry, download Yahoo Messenger from or or a similar site, if you don't have it on your phone.

4. Using your PC, download the service book file from save it to -for example- your desktop.

5. In BB Desktop Manager, open "Backup and Restore".

6. In Backup and Restore dialog, click on 'Advanced' button

7. You will see two lists. The one on the let will be empty, right side will show all the files on your Blackberry.

8. This step will 'override' the service book list on your device. This means services you previously have on your device will be removed. We will restore them later; however check steps 11 and 12 below to make sure you can finish this process.

Drag and drop the service book you downloaded on step 4 to the list on the left, and click the arrow to the right. (Or, directly drag and drop the file into the list on the right.

9. On your Blackberry, go to Settings > Options > Advanced options > Service books

10. Instead of services previously defined, you will see -probably- 3 new service books. I had BBFS2[KEYNEGO], BBFS2[BBIM] and BBFS2[BBIMConfig] definitions.

11. On your PC, go to your BIS at AT&T site using your browser. This page worked for me:

12. After logging in, click on the link called 'Service Books' on the left side menu.

13. Then click on "Send Service Books"

14. You will see a message telling you that service books are sent. On your Blackberry, you should receive one message per email account.

15. You can check your Service Book list from Settings > Options > Advanced options > Service books. You should see all your old services listed there.

16. Open Yahoo Messenger on your Blackbbery and login.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Must have poster from O'Reilly

Old, but still good :)