Thursday, May 26, 2005

Earthlink Sucks

Moving utilities from one address to another... Earthlink pulled the standard 'that rate locked you in for a full year. You need to pay $149 to get out' trick.

They made $149, and lost a long-term customer and a lot more 'potentials.' BTW, SBC and other phone companies have pretty good deals, significantly cheaper than Earthlink. [So significant that we'll recover our loss in 6 months.]

The sad part is that Earthlink's records show that we have been told about the 1-year lock; we weren't... At least explicitly... It's our word against theirs, and we have no record of that call. How can we access their logs or call recordings?

Makes you wanna record _all_ your service calls to utilities.

Monday, May 16, 2005

New TN site

Saw this one today... Must see if you have some form of facial pain:

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Questions that Plague Physics

Re-read an August 2004 intreview with Lawrence M. Krauss Scientific American, August 2004.

Two snippets from the interview:

"I'm not against teaching faith-based ideas in religious classes; I'm just against teaching them as if they were science."

"We live in a society where it's considered okay for intelligent people to be scientifically illiterate."

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Before Sunset

Everything you can ask for... in a sequel. The first movie was very (very) good; this one's the same.

The moment this movie ends (what an ending by the way), you will want to watch the third one. (Wait, there is none!) For the lack of a better word (everything that can be said on this movie is already published at, these are the most 'humane' films I have ever seen. Or maybe, the 'most natural?' In any case, both movies ('Before Sunrise' and 'Before Sunset') are perfect.